Projects and references
You will find, below, a non-exhaustive list of projects in progress or already launched, as well as an overview of the specifications relating to each mandate.
Cruizador is the leading digital motorcycle rental platform in Switzerland and the world’s first trilingual rental platform. We built the project from scratch by applying the lean approach. We released the MVP in July 2018 and after recording customer experiences for 18 months we were able to launch the new version of the platform in January 2020. Since then we have been making continuous improvements and added many new features.

Phase I
(04.2018 – 12.2019)
- Search and signature of partners (bank & insurance);
- Incorporation of the company (Ltd);
- Definition of user stories for the MVP (beta version);
- Creation of the content and the legal framework (sections, CGU, contracts, FAQs, etc.);
- Translation into 3 languages (FR/EN/DE);
- Creation of visuals (logo, photos, etc.);
- Creation of online presence (social networks);
- Go-to-market <4 months;
- Onboarding of first users;
- Expansion of users and community.
Phase II
(since 01.2020)
- Total revamp of the platform and the user experience (look & feel);
- Automation of procedures;
- Empowerment of users (individual control of their listing);
- Addition of new features and continuous improvement based on user feedbacks;
- Content creation for the Cruizador blog;
- Improvement of SEO;
- Creation of advertising campaigns and visuals;
- Creation of a textile collection;
- Expansion of online presence and user base/community;
- Opening of a B2C channel for professionals and dealers.

Management of the Blausee project for the creation of an online store for the sale of fish on the internet:
- Definition of the specifications (user stories);
- Search for agencies (request for an offer);
- Conduct of workshops with stakeholders;
- Definition of logistics processes, in particular for maintaining the cold chain;
- Coordination with external service providers (bank, agency, etc.);
- Maintaining the budget and deadlines.
- Go-to-market <4 months.
Entre regard et silence
Creation of a website and an online store to sell craft projects:
- Definition of needs and creation of a roadmap;
- Creation of the visual identity of the site (photos, colors, etc.);
- Design and launch of the website;
- Qualitative photography of products for the online store;
- Definition of the checkout procedure (a.o. payment, logistics);
- Drafting of the general conditions (GTC) and the confidentiality policy;
- Creation of an Instagram page;
- Tutorial and getting started.

Psychomotricité et Sophrologie
Creation of a website for a psychomotricity and sophrology practice:
- Definition of needs and creation of a roadmap;
- Help for writing content (audience, need, application);
- Creation of the visual identity of the site (photos, colors, etc.);
- Drafting of the confidentiality policy;
- Photo shoot (portrait);
- Design and launch of the website;
- Tutorial and getting started.
For a start-up aiming at creating a SaaS (software as a service) to assist academics and scientists around the world to improve the quality of and streamline their scientific writing, we have helped to define a negociation strategy with their 3rd party IT provider to make sure they would deliver a functioning MVP as initialy agreed.
To do so, we have come up with 3 different scenarios, depending on potential constrains of their IT-partner, a large IT agency from the Bern area.
Additionally, we have helped the team to refine the marketing strategy and workflows, work on new features or improve existing ones based on beta users’ testings.
Finally, we have helped one of the team member, who was considering to become a late co-founder, to navigate the uncertainty and overcome the initial fears related to the onboarding on this new entrepreneurial journey, crystalize her ambitions and set her boundaries.
Unfortunately, due to several personal and business reasons, beyond our control, the founder decided to cease operations and to bankrupt the company.
For a large international organization, we contributed to the preparation of a technical report on the critical situation of the fishing sector in a country at war.
- Definition of the needs and scope of the report;
- Highlighting of key elements;
- Summary of recommendations and actionables;
- Creation of a summary infographic and contribution to the layout.
This report helped secure funding of 1.5 million from a lead development bank for 2 years to support local fishery cooperatives.

Production of photo reports
For the company Direct Coffee, we have produced several photo reports to document the implementation of social projects in Ethiopia:
- Definition of the specifications and clarification of the expectations of the different parties;
- Signature of an ethical charter for taking photos;
- Support of co-founder Michael in the field in the Oromia region, in southwest Ethiopia (2017 & 2018);
- Taking photos in the field;
- Selection and post-production of photos;
- Drafting of texts in English;
- Carrying out different support tasks during the realization of social projects.
Those pictures were then later used for several advertising campaigns, for sustainability reports and to document Direct Coffee impact for various stakeholders.
This was a non-exhaustive list of the skills we can provide and a demonstration thereof highlighted in projects already carried out. We certainly have expertise in marketplaces and e-commerce solutions, but can support you in carrying out any type of project. Contact us to discuss your needs in more detail.
How about discussing your upcoming project?
Any project can start with a simple HELLO. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss this future collaboration.